
Question: What kills the most people each year?

Answer: Time. Yes, time is responsible for 100% of all deaths each year. Suck on that cancer!

Our mission is to raise awareness about the dangers of the subscription to and recognition of TIME.

There is a field of infinite possibility out there, we aim to discover it through extensive research in the field of fun and enjoyment.

We have all heard the expression, "I'm just killing time." Guess what? You're not. Time is actually killing you. That is why we will be promoting a new expression to replace the old one.
"Time is killing me."

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Well the time has come for an exploration into TIME itself. It's amazing how one small recognition of a flawed phrase can lead to the inspiration of an entire creative outlet.

TIME is the killer.

It gets so clouded and lost under the layers and disguises it wears. I have begun to see through it.

TIME is the instigator of stress, the reason for deadlines and the limit on life itself.

We have created a system by which we live only so that we can die some day. Our horizons are narrowed into a beginning and an end that we see all around us. What happened to the infinite? What happened to the knowledge of interconnectedness? By separating ourselves and creating the ego we have limited ourselves.

There is another expression that we all know that has been bothering me. "TIME flies when you're having fun." Wrong. "TIME dies when you're having fun." There is no TIME, TIME simply does not enter into the equation. TIME is dead. It is when we enter back into the reality where TIME reins king that we exclaim how TIME has flown by. Why? Because it brings up the stress associated with subscribing to our watches. Watch. Another peculiar term. Why watch? What is it we are watching? Or what is watching us? It seems to inspire some paranoia about where we are and what we should be doing. "Oh shit, it's already 3:30PM, I should be . . . " Always the crunch of checking the watch and worrying about when and where. You're killing me TIME, you're killing me.

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