Question: What is a fundamental characteristic of the great game of basketball?
Answer: It is played with TIME constraints of two 20 minute halves.
Question 2: Okay, what else is interesting about these two 20 minute halves?
Answer 2: TIME is counting down, not up!
Question 3: What does this mean?
Answer 3: This means that this month of non-stop basketball is complete "madness!"
Interestingly, it seems that time can run both ways at the same moment. While we watch a game of basketball, we might agree that time (or at least our time) is moving forward or counting up. The seconds and/or minutes and/or hours are increasing. However, at the same moment that we are watching time increase, we may also see the opposite during the same basketball game: time is running out! Yes, during basketball games we are no longer counting up, we are counting down!
How can we live with such contradictory representations of time? If time really exists, which way is it counting: up or down? Is this why they call it "March Madness?"
Madness it is. Apparently, we as humans allow time to go both ways and seem to find it very exciting when we reverse the direction of time in a competitive athletic environment. Ridiculous!
Then again, maybe sports with clocks counting down have it right... I mean the whole thing! With time counting up, it seems that time is totally infinite. With time counting down, time is very finite, and not to mention controllable. When time is counting down, we are killing time in 20 minute increments! It should also be mentioned that in basketball games, you can stop time! A "time out" may be called either by a) yelling "time out," or b) making a T sign with your hand. Badabing, the clock has stopped, time has ceased to count down, and you are in control. This is not to mention that all of these sports with counting down clocks are fun, which we have established as the number one killer of time.
All in all, I believe it is clear or really very unclear what time really is. No one seems to know, illustrating further that time is complete bullshit. It is two faced, disingenuous, and complete madness.
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