
Question: What kills the most people each year?

Answer: Time. Yes, time is responsible for 100% of all deaths each year. Suck on that cancer!

Our mission is to raise awareness about the dangers of the subscription to and recognition of TIME.

There is a field of infinite possibility out there, we aim to discover it through extensive research in the field of fun and enjoyment.

We have all heard the expression, "I'm just killing time." Guess what? You're not. Time is actually killing you. That is why we will be promoting a new expression to replace the old one.
"Time is killing me."

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Highest Praise!

What is the highest praise any person, place, comment, or thing could ever receive?

"You are the best!" NO, not even close!

"That is the coolest most ridiculously awesome fantastic thing ever!" Not quite.

The highest of high praise is simple, elegant, and of course sticks it to Time like the Almighty Zeus did.

"That is timeless!"

Yes, timeless is the phrase that expresses such supreme greatness that it should be reserved for the most epic of persons, places, comments, or things. So don't go slinging it around to just average greatness!

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